In considering the example of Abram in Genesis 12:4–9, it is clear that his obedience to God's call had a significant impact. Abram left his homeland and journeyed to the land of Canaan, where he built altars and proclaimed the name of the LORD. His actions had a demonstrable effect on those around … [Read more...] about Unveiling the Key to Building a Lasting Legacy in the Workplace
The Patriarch Era
Uncover the wisdom of The Patriarch Era and explore how Christian business principles shaped the foundations of entrepreneurship. Experience a transformative journey to success.
The Shocking Truth About How Your Faith Can Transform Your Career
The faith and obedience of Abram in response to God's call serves as a powerful example for us in the workplace. It teaches us the importance of stepping out in faith and being willing to leave behind the familiar and comfortable in order to pursue God's plan for our lives. This can apply to various … [Read more...] about The Shocking Truth About How Your Faith Can Transform Your Career
From Dry Spell to Overflow: Reigniting Your Business with Spiritual Practices
If you're looking to refocus your efforts and reconnect with the Lord without turning off your employees or alienating your customers, you need to keep reading! Our latest blogpost offers practical and inspirational insights on how to incorporate spiritual practices into your professional life, … [Read more...] about From Dry Spell to Overflow: Reigniting Your Business with Spiritual Practices
Learn How to Express Gratitude Towards Your Business Blessings and Build a Thriving Company Culture, All From Genesis 12:6-7
If you want to honor the Lord through your work and recognize the gifts He's provided without turning off your employees or alienating your customers, keep reading. The practical applications of Genesis 12:6-7 offer valuable insights for both business and faithful workers. By incorporating practices … [Read more...] about Learn How to Express Gratitude Towards Your Business Blessings and Build a Thriving Company Culture, All From Genesis 12:6-7
The Power of Leveraging God-Given Gifts and Resources in Business
Read on for the whole story and learn how to expand your business confidently while honoring God's guidance and provision. If you want to be inspired by the timeless wisdom of God's provision and guidance in the business world, then keep reading. The story of Abram in Genesis 12:5 teaches … [Read more...] about The Power of Leveraging God-Given Gifts and Resources in Business
Unleash the Potential of God’s Provision in Your Business: Insights from Genesis 12:4
Read on for the entire story and discover how to embrace God's calling and rely on His provision in your business endeavors. Keep reading for practical tips and strategies on how to embrace God's calling in your business without hesitation, and how to lead your team in real obedience without … [Read more...] about Unleash the Potential of God’s Provision in Your Business: Insights from Genesis 12:4